Which two statements are true about running the Oracle Database Security Assessment Tool (DBSAT) Collector?
It runs only on UNIX/Linux systems.
It must connect to the database using a SYSDBA connection.
It must be run by an OS user with read permissions on files and directories under ORACLE_HOME.
It runs only on Windows systems.
It must be run on the server that contains the database.
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B 3 votes
C 4 votes
D 1 votes
E 4 votes
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1 year, 1 month ago
B. True. DBSAT Collector requires a SYSDBA connection to the database for data collection. E. True. It must be run on the server containing the database to collect accurate information about the database environment.
11 months, 3 weeks ago
rpta c y e . In order to collect complete data, the Oracle DBSAT Collector must be run on the server that contains the database, because it executes some operating system commands to collect process and file system information that cannot be obtained from the database. In addition, the Oracle DBSAT Collector must be run as an OS user with read permissions on files and directories under ORACLE_HOME in order to collect and process file system data using OS commands.
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B. True. DBSAT Collector requires a SYSDBA connection to the database for data collection.
E. True. It must be run on the server containing the database to collect accurate information about the database environment.
rpta c y e . In order to collect complete data, the Oracle DBSAT Collector must be run on the server that contains the database, because it executes some operating system commands to collect process and file system information that cannot be obtained from the database. In addition, the Oracle DBSAT Collector must be run as an OS user with read permissions on files and directories under ORACLE_HOME in order to collect and process file system data using OS commands.