If a command rule's associated rule set evaluation results In an error, the command is not allowed to execute.
A command can have only one command rule that applies to it.
For DML statement command rules, you can specify a wildcard for the object owner.
If a command rule's associated rule set Is disabled, then the rule set evaluates to true.
For DML statement command rules, you can specify a wildcard for the object name.
Object privileges override command rules.
User Votes:
A 1 votes
B 2 votes
D 2 votes
E 2 votes
F 2 votes
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11 months, 1 week ago
D, F Oracle Database Vault queries all the command rules that need to be applied. For SELECT, DDL, and DML statements, multiple command rules may apply because the object owner and object name support wildcard notation. B. If the associated rule set of any of the applicable command rules returns false or errors, Oracle Database Vault prevents the command from executing E. If you disable a rule set, then the rule set always evaluates to TRUE. C. FALSE . To customize and enforce the command rule, you associate it with a rule set, which is a collection of one or more rules. G. False Command rules override object privileges.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
E False , say if a command rule associated set is disabled no disable rule set THen the correct is B D y F
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D, F Oracle Database Vault queries all the command rules that need to be applied.
For SELECT, DDL, and DML statements, multiple command rules may apply because the object owner and object name support wildcard notation.
B. If the associated rule set of any of the applicable command rules returns false or errors, Oracle Database Vault prevents the command from executing
E. If you disable a rule set, then the rule set always evaluates to TRUE.
C. FALSE . To customize and enforce the command rule, you associate it with a rule set, which is a collection of one or more rules.
G. False Command rules override object privileges.
E False , say if a command rule associated set is disabled no disable rule set THen the correct is B D y F