ncp-mci-v6-5 question 45 discussion

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Question 45

An administrator logs into the Nutanix Support Portal and notices there is a new version of the LCM Framework available. In an effort to ensure LCM is providing the latest features, the administrator would like to upgrade LCM.
How can the LCM Framework be upgraded?

  • A. Upload the latest LCM Framework bundle via Upgrade Software in Prism
  • B. Upload the latest LCM Framework as an image in the Image Configuration in Prism
  • C. Upgrade AOS
  • D. Perform an LCM inventory


User Votes:
A 1 votes
D 5 votes
0 / 1000
5 months, 1 week ago

To upgrade the Life Cycle Manager (LCM) Framework to its latest version and ensure access to the newest features, follow these steps:

Access Prism Element:

Log in to your Nutanix Prism Element interface.
Navigate to LCM:

Go to the "Settings" menu and select "Life Cycle Manager".
Perform an LCM Inventory:

Click on "Perform Inventory". This action prompts LCM to check for any available updates for your cluster's components, including the LCM Framework itself.
Review and Apply Updates:

After the inventory completes, LCM will display any available updates.
Review the list and select the updates you wish to apply.
Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the updates.
By performing an LCM inventory, the system will automatically detect and update the LCM Framework to the latest version, ensuring your cluster benefits from the newest features and enhancements.

4 days, 18 hours ago

d Perform Inventory