cams question 392 discussion

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Question 392

Which methods are typically used to launder money using insurance companies? (Choose two.)

  • A. The policy holder overpays the policy and moves the funds out of the policy despite paying early withdrawal penalties. Most Votes
  • B. The policy holder enters a sibling as a beneficiary of the insurance policy rather than themselves.
  • C. The policy holder purchases a bond and redeems it at a discount prior to its full term.
  • D. The policy holder uses an offshore company to pay the insurance installments. Most Votes
  • E. The policy holder is strongly interested in how many costs are incurred when taking out an insurance policy.

A, D

User Votes:
A 161 votes
B 15 votes
C 91 votes
D 101 votes
E 28 votes
0 / 1000
1 year, 6 months ago

The policy holder purchases a bond and redeems it at a discount prior to its full term. The policy holder overpays the policy and moves the funds out of the policy despite paying early withdrawal penalties.

1 year, 4 months ago

A. The policy holder overpays the policy and moves the funds out of the policy despite paying early withdrawal penalties.
D. The policy holder uses an offshore company to pay the insurance installments.

1 year, 4 months ago

D is my answer

1 year, 4 months ago

A. Le preneur d’assurance paye en trop la police et retire les fonds de la police malgré le paiement de pénalités de retrait anticipé.
C. Le preneur d'assurance achète une obligation et la rachète à rabais avant son échéance complète.

1 year ago

It is A & D

10 months, 2 weeks ago

A. The policy holder overpays the policy and moves the funds out of the policy despite paying early withdrawal penalties.
C. The policy holder purchases a bond and redeems it at a discount prior to its full term.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

The policy holder overpays the policy and moves the funds out of the policy despite paying early withdrawal penalties.

2 months ago

A. The policy holder overpays the policy and moves the funds out of the policy despite paying early withdrawal penalties.
D. The policy holder uses an offshore company to pay the insurance installments.

2 months ago

A. The policy holder overpays the policy and moves the funds out of the policy despite paying early withdrawal penalties.
D. The policy holder uses an offshore company to pay the insurance installments.