After a FATF mutual evaluation process, which are resulting actions for jurisdictions that are determined to have strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing? (Choose two.)
Expect private statements from FATF regarding the level of compliance of the jurisdiction, when insufficient progress is made.
Appeal to FATF for a technical compliance re-rating based on the jurisdiction's own experts criteria.
Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report.
Most Votes
Request FATF for an extension of deadlines in order to provide local awareness on the improvements that are necessary to solve the deficiencies.
Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
Most Votes
Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report, and Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
1 year, 4 months ago
C. Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report. E. Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
1 year, 4 months ago
C. Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report. E. Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
1 year, 4 months ago
D. Demander au GAFI une prolongation des délais afin de sensibiliser la population locale aux améliorations nécessaires pour résoudre les déficiences.
8 months, 3 weeks ago
C & E are my answers
1 month, 4 weeks ago
C. Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report. E. Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
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Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report, and Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
C. Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report.
E. Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
C. Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report.
E. Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.
D. Demander au GAFI une prolongation des délais afin de sensibiliser la population locale aux améliorations nécessaires pour résoudre les déficiences.
C & E are my answers
C. Demonstrate a high-level commitment to swiftly resolve the identified deficiencies in the FATF mutual evaluation report.
E. Report to FATF on the implementation of their progress under the enhanced follow-up mechanism.