Which should authorities do to safeguard AML information exchanged with other countries?
A is correct
C. Utiliser le système judiciaire pour garantir la confidentialité des informations échangées par le biais d'ordonnances judiciaires.
B. Exiger le recours à des accords de non-divulgation avec toute personne accédant aux informations échangées.
correct answer is A
As per FATF 40 recomm interpretive notes -
Competent authorities should maintain appropriate confidentiality for any request for
cooperation and the information exchanged, in order to protect the integrity of the investigation
or inquiry79, consistent with both parties’ obligations concerning privacy and data protection.
At a minimum, competent authorities should protect exchanged information in the same
manner as they would protect similar information received from domestic sources. Countries
should establish controls and safeguards to ensure that information exchanged by competent
authorities is used only in the manner authorised.
A. Protect exchanged information as they would protect similar information received from domestic sources.
A. Protect exchanged information as they would protect similar information received from domestic sources.
Protect exchanged information as they would protect similar information received from domestic sources to ensure the same level of confidentiality and security as domestic information, maintaining consistency and safeguarding sensitive data.