For Application Access there is a configuration option called Allow access to this table via web services. Which one of the following statements is true when this option is selected?
This option restricts the ability to delete records via web services but records can always be read
Even when not selected, users with the correct permissions can use web services to access the table's records
This option restricts access only to SOAP web services but does not apply to REST
The user performing the query via web services must have the correct permissions to access the table's records
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User Votes:
A 4 votes
B 13 votes
C 4 votes
D 24 votes
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6 months, 1 week ago
Even when not selected, users with the correct permissions can use web services to access the table's records
Kogriffin82 (replied to hittenet)
4 months, 2 weeks ago
This is wrong the correct answer is: D. The user performing the query via web services must have the correct permissions to access the table's records
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Even when not selected, users with the correct permissions can use web services to access the table's records
This is wrong the correct answer is: D. The user performing the query via web services must have the correct permissions to access the table's records