You see a blue color sticker on certain physical assets. What does this signify?
The asset is very high critical and its failure affects the entire organization
The asset with blue stickers should be kept air conditioned at all times
The asset is high critical and its failure will affect a group/s/project's work in the organization
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The asset is critical and the impact is restricted to an employee only
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A 6 votes
B 2 votes
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2 months, 1 week ago
A. The asset is very high critical and its failure affects the entire organization
1 month, 1 week ago
Many organizations use color-coded asset classification systems to indicate the criticality of assets in terms of their impact on business operations. Typically, colors like red, orange, blue, and green represent different levels of criticality.
Red → Very high criticality (failure affects the entire organization). Blue → High criticality (failure impacts a group, department, or project). Yellow/Green → Lower criticality (affects individuals or minor operations).
2 weeks, 6 days ago
It is important to understand that each organization can have their own meaning for color coded stickers.
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A. The asset is very high critical and its failure affects the entire organization
Many organizations use color-coded asset classification systems to indicate the criticality of assets in terms of their impact on business operations. Typically, colors like red, orange, blue, and green represent different levels of criticality.
Red → Very high criticality (failure affects the entire organization).
Blue → High criticality (failure impacts a group, department, or project).
Yellow/Green → Lower criticality (affects individuals or minor operations).
It is important to understand that each organization can have their own meaning for color coded stickers.