To assign storage access to an NVMe protocol host, you must configure the following three objects: 1. NVMe Namespace: You need to create an NVMe namespace to provide storage using the NVMe protocol. 2. NVMe Subsystem: You need to create an NVMe subsystem and add the host NQN (NVMe Qualified Name) to the subsystem. 3. NVMe LIF (Logical Interface): You need to create an NVMe LIF on the storage VM for data access. These configurations ensure that the NVMe host can access the storage provided by the ONTAP system.
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To assign storage access to an NVMe protocol host, you must configure the following three objects:
1. NVMe Namespace: You need to create an NVMe namespace to provide storage using the NVMe protocol.
2. NVMe Subsystem: You need to create an NVMe subsystem and add the host NQN (NVMe Qualified Name) to the subsystem.
3. NVMe LIF (Logical Interface): You need to create an NVMe LIF on the storage VM for data access.
These configurations ensure that the NVMe host can access the storage provided by the ONTAP system.