6 steps to implementing a successful data loss prevention strategy Data-driven companies need a data loss prevention (DLP) strategy to protect their valuable information. Enterprises must guard against data being compromised, lost, or misused deliberately or accidentally. The same level of damage can be caused by a data breach initiated by a cyberattack or one triggered by an employee’s accidental disclosure of intellectual property via unencrypted email.
Implementing a successful DLP strategy requires a methodical approach that addresses the needs of the business and the type of data it gathers, stores, and processes. The following steps illustrate the best practices that should be part of a company’s DLP strategy.
In this article:
Create a data handling policy Classify all data resources Identify data vulnerabilities Enforce the data handling policy Monitor data movement Provide ongoing education Deploying a modern DLP solution Frequently asked questions Create a data handling po
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6 steps to implementing a successful data loss prevention strategy
Data-driven companies need a data loss prevention (DLP) strategy to protect their valuable information. Enterprises must guard against data being compromised, lost, or misused deliberately or accidentally. The same level of damage can be caused by a data breach initiated by a cyberattack or one triggered by an employee’s accidental disclosure of intellectual property via unencrypted email.
Implementing a successful DLP strategy requires a methodical approach that addresses the needs of the business and the type of data it gathers, stores, and processes. The following steps illustrate the best practices that should be part of a company’s DLP strategy.
In this article:
Create a data handling policy
Classify all data resources
Identify data vulnerabilities
Enforce the data handling policy
Monitor data movement
Provide ongoing education
Deploying a modern DLP solution
Frequently asked questions
Create a data handling po