DRAG DROP Match the base enclosure SAS ports in column A to their corresponding expansion LCC ports in column B; when connecting a PowerStore base enclosure to a single expansion enclosure.
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1 year, 7 months ago
node A, SAS port B to LCC A, port A (AB>AA) node B, SAS port B to LCC B, port A (BB>BA) node A, SAS port A to LCC B, port B (AA>BB) node B, SAS port A to LCC A, port B (BA>AB)
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node A, SAS port B to LCC A, port A (AB>AA)
node B, SAS port B to LCC B, port A (BB>BA)
node A, SAS port A to LCC B, port B (AA>BB)
node B, SAS port A to LCC A, port B (BA>AB)