Which private banking situation requires due diligence actions to be implemented according to the AML principles of the Wolfsberg group?
A local wealthy individual wants to become a customer of a local retail bank.
A beneficial owner of an exchange house wants to open an account with the bank.
A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
Most Votes
A new customer asks to set up an exchange house using the bank as the correspondent.
User Votes:
A 6 votes
B 18 votes
C 156 votes
D 56 votes
0/ 1000
1 year, 5 months ago
A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
1 year, 4 months ago
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
1 year, 4 months ago
C is my answer
1 year, 3 months ago
B. Un bénéficiaire effectif d’une maison de change souhaite ouvrir un compte auprès de la banque. C. Un riche particulier originaire d’un pays à haut risque souhaite ouvrir un compte auprès d’une banque privée. D. Un nouveau client demande à créer un bureau de change en utilisant la banque comme correspondant.
1 year, 3 months ago
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
1 year, 2 months ago
A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
1 year, 1 month ago
wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
1 year, 1 month ago
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1 year, 1 month ago
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1 year, 1 month ago
wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
10 months, 2 weeks ago
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Version 6.48, pag 216: People residing in and/or having funds from high-risk countries, including countries “identified by credible sources as having inadequate anti-money laundering standards or representing high-risk for crime and corruption.”
6 months, 2 weeks ago
A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
2 months ago
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
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A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
C is my answer
B. Un bénéficiaire effectif d’une maison de change souhaite ouvrir un compte auprès de la banque.
C. Un riche particulier originaire d’un pays à haut risque souhaite ouvrir un compte auprès d’une banque privée.
D. Un nouveau client demande à créer un bureau de change en utilisant la banque comme correspondant.
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
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Thanks for submitting , your comment will be approved soon by our moderators
wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Version 6.48, pag 216: People residing in and/or having funds from high-risk countries, including countries “identified by credible sources as having inadequate anti-money laundering standards or representing high-risk for crime and corruption.”
A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.
C. A wealthy individual from a high-risk country wants to open an account with a private bank.