Which red flag should a compliance officer prioritize first for investigation?
A loan is paid off in full with cash after the sale of the vehicle that was used as collateral for the loan.
Several cross-border transfers are received and immediately wired to another beneficiary.
Most Votes
A customer has 20 monthly transactions that are repetitive but less than $500 USD per transaction.
A convenience store cashes government checks for its customers in amounts less than $1,000 USD per day.
User Votes:
A 6 votes
B 98 votes
C 42 votes
D 8 votes
0/ 1000
1 year, 4 months ago
Several cross-border transfers are received and immediately wired to another beneficiary.
1 year, 2 months ago
R. Un prêt est remboursé intégralement en espèces après la vente du véhicule qui a servi de garantie pour le prêt. B. Plusieurs virements transfrontaliers sont reçus et immédiatement transférés à un autre bénéficiaire. C. Un client effectue 20 transactions mensuelles répétitives mais inférieures à 500 USD par transaction.
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Several cross-border transfers are received and immediately wired to another beneficiary.
8 months ago
C. A customer has 20 monthly transactions that are repetitive but less than $500 USD per transaction.
5 months, 1 week ago
customer has 20 monthly transactions that are repetitive but less than $500 USD per transaction.
3 weeks, 1 day ago
B. Several cross-border transfers are received and immediately wired to another beneficiary.
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Several cross-border transfers are received and immediately wired to another beneficiary.
R. Un prêt est remboursé intégralement en espèces après la vente du véhicule qui a servi de garantie pour le prêt.
B. Plusieurs virements transfrontaliers sont reçus et immédiatement transférés à un autre bénéficiaire.
C. Un client effectue 20 transactions mensuelles répétitives mais inférieures à 500 USD par transaction.
Several cross-border transfers are received and immediately wired to another beneficiary.
C. A customer has 20 monthly transactions that are repetitive but less than $500 USD per transaction.
customer has 20 monthly transactions that are repetitive but less than $500 USD per transaction.
B. Several cross-border transfers are received and immediately wired to another beneficiary.