Which safeguard is in place for Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) to share information securelyaccording to Egmont?
B is correct
B. Le partage d'informations est effectué conformément aux processus contenus dans les protocoles d'accord.
الاجابة الصحيحة ب
A. A computer with access to the Egmont Secure Web is accessible to all members of the FIU.
MOU ensure secure and structured information sharing between Financial Intelligence Units
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B is correct
B. Le partage d'informations est effectué conformément aux processus contenus dans les protocoles d'accord.
الاجابة الصحيحة ب
A. A computer with access to the Egmont Secure Web is accessible to all members of the FIU.
MOU ensure secure and structured information sharing between Financial Intelligence Units