What action should a bank CEO's assistant take when the bank CEO expenses large sums of money to a charitable organization run by the bank CEO's direct family member?
Report the actions to the Executive Board of the bank.
Meet with the bank CEO to learn why the donations are being made.
Investigate the charitable organization's relationship with the bank CEO.
Submit the concern anonymously to the bank's internal Compliance Hotline.
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A 9 votes
B 1 votes
C 18 votes
D 51 votes
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1 year, 3 months ago
D. Soumettez votre préoccupation de manière anonyme à la hotline de conformité interne de la banque.
1 year, 3 months ago
C. Enquêter sur la relation de l'organisation caritative avec le PDG de la banque.
1 year, 3 months ago
D is correct: Ref: ACAMS text book sixth edition Step1: Pg # 203, section Sources of Investigations bullet point # 4 Step 2: Pg # 205, section INTERNAL HOTLINES. Step 3: page: # 156, section, DELEGATION OF AML DUTIES bullet point 2 of, Financial Investigations.
4 days, 12 hours ago
Internal Compliance Hotline anonymously is a safer and more appropriate method as the concern is addressed without putting the assistant in a potentially uncomfortable/compromising position.
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D. Soumettez votre préoccupation de manière anonyme à la hotline de conformité interne de la banque.
C. Enquêter sur la relation de l'organisation caritative avec le PDG de la banque.
D is correct: Ref: ACAMS text book sixth edition
Step1: Pg # 203, section Sources of Investigations bullet point # 4
Step 2: Pg # 205, section INTERNAL HOTLINES.
Step 3: page: # 156, section, DELEGATION OF AML DUTIES bullet point 2 of, Financial Investigations.
Internal Compliance Hotline anonymously is a safer and more appropriate method as the concern is addressed without putting the assistant in a potentially uncomfortable/compromising position.