cams question 356 discussion

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Question 356

What action should a bank CEO's assistant take when the bank CEO expenses large sums of money to
a charitable organization run by the bank CEO's direct family member?

  • A. Report the actions to the Executive Board of the bank.
  • B. Meet with the bank CEO to learn why the donations are being made.
  • C. Investigate the charitable organization's relationship with the bank CEO.
  • D. Submit the concern anonymously to the bank's internal Compliance Hotline. Most Votes


User Votes:
A 9 votes
B 1 votes
C 18 votes
D 51 votes
0 / 1000
1 year, 3 months ago

D. Soumettez votre préoccupation de manière anonyme à la hotline de conformité interne de la banque.

1 year, 3 months ago

C. Enquêter sur la relation de l'organisation caritative avec le PDG de la banque.

1 year, 3 months ago

D is correct: Ref: ACAMS text book sixth edition
Step1: Pg # 203, section Sources of Investigations bullet point # 4
Step 2: Pg # 205, section INTERNAL HOTLINES.
Step 3: page: # 156, section, DELEGATION OF AML DUTIES bullet point 2 of, Financial Investigations.

4 days, 12 hours ago

Internal Compliance Hotline anonymously is a safer and more appropriate method as the concern is addressed without putting the assistant in a potentially uncomfortable/compromising position.