I think it should be B and E. Ref: ACAMS study guide 6th Edition page # 214 section closing the account: Based on its internal investigation, the financial institution should make an independent determination as to whether to close the account in issue. Some of the factors that the institution should consider are: • The legal basis for closing an account. • The institution’s stated policies and procedures for closing an account, which may include automatic closure recommendation following a specified number of STR filings. (given in the above choice) • The seriousness of the underlying conduct. If the conduct rises to the level where the account would ordinarily be closed, then the institution should consider closing the account. • The reputational risk to the institution posed by maintaining the account. • Correspondence with law enforcement and requests from law enforcement to either cancel or maintain the account. (Given in the above choice)
6 months ago
B. The request from law enforcement to close the account E. The FI's stated policies and procedures for closing an account
5 days, 15 hours ago
Option B and E ensure compliance with legal requirements and adherence to the institution's internal policies and procedures.
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I think it should be B and E. Ref: ACAMS study guide 6th Edition page # 214 section closing the account: Based on its internal investigation, the financial institution should make an independent determination as to whether to close the account in issue. Some of the factors that the institution should
consider are:
• The legal basis for closing an account.
• The institution’s stated policies and procedures for closing an account, which may include automatic closure recommendation following a specified number of STR filings. (given in the above choice)
• The seriousness of the underlying conduct. If the conduct rises to the level where the account would ordinarily be closed, then the institution should consider closing the account.
• The reputational risk to the institution posed by maintaining the account.
• Correspondence with law enforcement and requests from law enforcement to either cancel or
maintain the account. (Given in the above choice)
B. The request from law enforcement to close the account
E. The FI's stated policies and procedures for closing an account
Option B and E ensure compliance with legal requirements and adherence to the institution's internal policies and procedures.