Company XYZ has a group of six employees who will be retiring in four years -- on the 31st of
December. Each retiree will receive $125,000. Company XYZs accountants must make provisions in
their accounts for this. Calculate the present value of future payments based on a discount rate of
A. $512,250
B. $551,250
C. $515,500
D. $521,500
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What are the changes in the present value of the defined benefits obligation that result from
experience adjustments or the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions called?
Which of the following describes the change in the net defined benefit liability (asset) during the
period due to passage of time?
What is the present value of any economic benefits available in the form of refunds from or
reductions in the future contributions to the defined benefits plan called?
IAS 19 requires that all numbers involved in accounting for defined benefit plans be presented as a
single amount in the statement of financial position. What is this amount called?
Which of the following should be used when discounting a benefit in order to determine the present
value of the defined benefit obligation and the current service cost?
To estimate how much the employees have earned for their work in the current and prior periods in
order to attribute the benefit to the periods of service and to incorporate estimates about
demographics and financial variables into calculations, a company must utilize what method?
What is the difference between the present value of defined benefit obligation and fair value of plan
assets at the end of the reporting period called?
Why is accounting for defined benefits plans one of the most complex issues in International
Financial Reporting Standards?
In defined contribution plans when the contributions are not expected to be settled wholly before
twelve months after the end of the reporting period, what must occur?
Which of the following plans obliges an employer to pay a specified amount of benefits to the
In a defined contribution benefit plan, who assumes risk?
The profit-sharing plan of Company ABC requires the company pay a specified proportion of its profit
for the year to employees who serve throughout the year. If no employees leave during the year, the
total profit-sharing payments for the year will be 3% of profit. The company estimates that staff
turnover will reduce the payments to 2.5% of profit. What does Company ABC recognize as a liability
and an expense?
What is a constructive obligation?
When does a present obligation exist?